Programming Commands
STATus Subsystem
Changes in the state of a condition register bit causes the associated OPERa-
tion Status or QUEStionable Status register bit to be set. This command allows
you to select a negative bit transition to trigger an event to be recognized. A
negative transition is defined to occur whenever the selected bit changes
states from a 1 to a 0. You can enter any value from 0 to 65535.
When queried, the largest value that can be returned is 32767. This is because
the most-significant register bit cannot be set true.
OUTPUT 720;”:STATUS:OPER:NTRansition 16”
{OPERation | QUEStionable}:PTRansition
Selects bits in the event register which can be set by positive transitions of the
corresponding bits in the condition register.
an integer from 0 to 65535.
State: none
*RST State: none
SCPI Compliance: standard
Changes in the state of a condition register bit causes the associated OPERa-
tion Status or QUEStionable Status event register bit to be set. This command
allows you to select a positive bit transition to trigger an event to be recog-
nized. A positive transition is defined to occur whenever the selected bit
changes states from a 0 to a 1. You can enter any value from 0 to 65535.
When queried, the largest value that can be returned is 32767. This is because
the most-significant register bit cannot be set true.
OUTPUT 720;”:STATUS:OPER:PTRansition 16”