POST, 51, 52
POST error codes, 59
reverse video, 51
exploded views
bezels, 93
drives (cold swap), 94
drives (hot swap), 95
fan supply, 96
I/O assembly, 97
PCI card guide retainer, 97
power supply, 96
side panel, 93
external connectors
keyboard, 9
LAN port, 12
mouse, 9
parallel port, 10
SCSI, 11
serial port, 9
standard video, 11
USB, 10
external SCSI
cable, 21
devices, 18
port, 4
exploded view, 96
replacing, 87
filler panels
empty slots, 17
hot swap, 95
firmware upgrades, 36
flexible disk cable
parts number, 101
flexible disk drive
boot priority, 18
exploded view, 94
installing, 20
mass storage, 16
Setup Utility, 45
troubleshooting problems, 80
front panel
controls and indicators, 1
lower bezel, 14
upper bezel, 14
hard disk drives, installing, 19–21
security, 44
specifications, 105
heatsink, installing, 34
hibernate sleep state, 6
hot swap drives
addressing, 17
installation order, 17
LED indicators, 4
operation status, 3
removing, 26
HP DiagTools utility, 69
HP Integrated Remote Assistant, 54
HP Management Solutions, 54
HP NetRaid-1M, 37
HP Remote Console, 48
HP Server
configuring, 41
inrush current, 6
maintenance, 70
mass storage, 16
opening and closing, 13
powering down, 5
powering up, 5
SCSI Configuration Utility, 50
HP TopTools, 56
humidity specifications, 103
I/O assembly, exploded view, 97
C connector, 36
IDE CD-ROM cable
parts number, 101
IDE devices
mass storage, 16
Setup Utility, 45
inrush current, 6
installation, troubleshooting problems, 70
accessory boards, 37–40
additional memory, 27
DIMMs, 27
disk array controller board, 37
hard disk drives, 19–21
heatsink, 34
mass storage, 16–18
memory modules, 27–29
integrated I/O port, Setup Utility, 45
Integrated RA, 54
internal SCSI cable
parts number, 101
internal to external SCSI cable, 22
IRQ settings, 36
connecting, 40
external connector, 9
maintenance, 70
parts list, 100
port, 4
troubleshooting problems, 79
activity LED, 2
port, 4
port connector, 12
sleep states, 6
LAN A Power On/Off, 54