Chapter 5 111
Command line interface
Command line interface
cxtest is a utility that allows the user to run tests loaded into the Test
Controller. Tests can be specified on the command line or a Graphic User
Interface can be started to simplify test selection. cxtest allows use of
the Test Controller without being at the system console.
NOTE The -d option must be used on the command line to start the GUI
interface to cxtest.
By default, cxtest tries to load the test information needed from a file.
The name of the file is cxtest.load located in the same directory as the
test. A different file can be specified by using the -f option on the
command line.
Command line options
When using the command line interface to cxtest, the command line
should be built around the following example model.
cxtest command line model
cxtest [loading options] <test> [parameters]
[looping/pausing/control] [class/subtest selections] <test>[parameters]
[looping/pausing/control] [class/subtest
Table 23 Command line loading options.
Loading options Description
-f <load_file_name> Use the <load_file_name> to read what
tests are to be loaded in to cxtest.
default If no load options are specified, the file
/spp/data/cxtest.load is read to know what
tests to load.