196 Chapter 10
Scan test
Running the est GUI
SCI cable test window
The SCI cable test window provides a means to test the cables that
connect the scalable coherent interfaces between nodes. All cables are
tested by default, but an individual cable can be tested using this
Figure 51 shows the est SCI cable test window.
Figure 51 est SCI cable test window
In the top panel are two rows of fields and buttons that determine source
port (Driver) of the cable and the destination (Receiver). A third row
selects either the X or Y cable. For both the Driver and Receiver select a
node and EMB. Enter the desired node number in the node field. Click
the interface number (0 through 8). Click either or both the X-ring cable
or Y-ring cable.
The buttons in the lower portion of the window have the following effect:
• Test (all patterns)—Runs the SCI cable test using all test patterns.
• Test (dc)—Performs the continuity test on the cable.
• Test (dc_clk)—Performs the continuity test on the cable clock lines.
• Test (ac)—Performs dynamic test on the cable.
• Test all cables—performs full cable test suite on all interface cables.
CAUTION Before running the full cable test suite, refer to “SCI_all test” on
page 208.
• Cancel—Closes the window.