240 Chapter 11
hard_logger is a script that invokes the interrogators and extractors to
log all error information on a node
The usage of the script is:
hard_logger [node number]
[node number] is a hex number.
hard_logger resides in /spp/scripts/hard_logger and is automatically
invoked be ccmd when a hard error occurs.
The hard_logger script performs the following tasks:
• Parses the command line arguments to determine on which node it
should run. ccmd sets up the COMPLEX_NAME environment variable
before invoking hard_logger. The teststation utilities called by
hard_logger use the combination of node_id and COMPLEX_NAME
to determine with which node to communicate.
• Acquires COP information for the node using sppdsh and saves the
output to /spp/data/<COMPLEX_NAME>/hl/T_FILE_n$node
• Acquires PCE information using sppdsh and saves the output to
• Checks the Stop On Hard bits of each SPAC to find one that is
running. If an SPAC is running, then hard_logger gets information
from the SMUC CSRs.
• Reads SMUC CSRs. If there is no hard error, hard_logger quits.
• Traverses the list of hard error buses. If a bus reports a hard error,
then it performs the following:
• Interrogates each controller on that bus for hard errors.
If the hard error group pin is set to a one value, it ignores the
If the pin is a zero value, the controller may have been the first to
record the error.
• Interrogates the controller reporting the error.