Chapter 11 251
sppconsole connects the user to the console for a specified node.
sppconsole has the following format:
% sppconsole node [opt1, ..., optN
There are several ways to initiate the sppconsole interface.
• Run the sppconsole command in a shell on the teststation.
• Select from the teststation root menu the desired V2500 complex,
then select “Console” and the desired node.
• Use the consolebar utility to select the desired node.
The sppconsole script invokes the /spp/etc/console program
(passing any optional arguments and the node number) to provide the
console interface to the V2500 node. This interface communicates
with POST, OBP, the Test Controller, and the HP-UX operating system.
It starts up a window and connects the user to the console server, that is
the conserver daemon, running on the test station. After making the
connection, the last 20 lines of the console output are displayed.
The conserver daemon is started by init when the teststation is
booted. The daemon reads the /spp/data/conserver.cf file to determine
which console terminals to open and maintain.
All errors and information messages are logged in the system log file
The sppconsole script invokes the /spp/etc/console program to
provide the operating system a console interface. Refer to the
console(8) man page for more information about this program.
The following shows the typical output in the console window when the
node boots.