
Chapter 10 193
Scan test
Running the est GUI
The next lower panel determines which and how many patterns are used
in the gate array test. The test normally uses all patterns, but, for
troubleshooting, you may set the starting and ending patterns, set the
maximum number of patterns (a range of patterns), or set a single,
custom pattern. Enter the following test pattern information in the
appropriate fields:
Start—Sets the starting pattern.
End—Sets the ending pattern.
Pattern—Sets a custom pattern.
Max—Sets the range of patterns to be used in the gate array test. The
default is to use all patterns.
In the next lower panel, click the appropriate test optimization buttons:
None—No optimization.
Some—Increased optimization.
Max—Maximum test optimization.
The next lower panel controls the looping parameters:
No—Disables looping. The test is only run once.
Continuous—Enables continuous test looping. When running in
continuous looping, the test is halted by clicking the Abort Test
Count—Enables controlled looping. The number of loops is entered in
the Count field.
The gate array test window may also be loaded with predefined
parameters file. To load a file, click the Browse button and locate the
appropriate file in the browse window.
Clicking the large buttons in the gate array test window has the
following effect:
Test—Starts the gate array test.
Abort Test—Stops the test.
Cancel—Closes the gate array test window.