236 Chapter 11
fw_init provides an automatic means for downloading firmware to each
node and initializing certain data structures in NVRAM. Using this
script prevent problems that could occur when executing this procedure
manually. The format if fw_init is as follows:
fw_init [-c complex name]
-c complex name specifies the complex to update.
For example
fw_init updates all nodes in the current complex.
fw_init -c hw2a updates all nodes in the complex hw2a.
If the -c option is not specified, then the complex_name value is
obtained either from an environment variable of the same name or it
defaults to mu.
fw_init first loads the JTAG core firmware, JTAG firmware, and the
diagnostic LIF header to each node in the complex. The complex is then
reset to OBP in order to download firmware to all the nodes. A source
command is issued to OBP that loads all the firmware listed in the
/spp/scripts/dl-diags file into flash memory. After this completes, the
tc_init utility is executed which initializes certain NVRAM data
structures used by the Test Controller.
This script must be executed as root. If not then an error message is
printed and the script terminates. The error message is as follows:
This script must be run as root.
Messages are periodically printed to the console while fw_init is
executing. Examples of these messages are show below:
fw_init message example 1
Starting the firmware download and initialization
fw_init message example 2
Loading JTAG core firmware on "hw2a-0000".