Chapter 11 231
The DISPFILES command displays a list of all available firmware files
found on a LIF device. The command displays:
• File name
• Intended product identification
• New revision number
• Size of firmware (not file size)
The syntax for this command is:
The user may enter the index number of a single device; using no index
number causes DISPFILES to list all devices.
LS command
The LS command displays information about the LIF volume. The
display is similar to that displayed by a lifls -l command. This
command is used for writing and maintaining dfdutil.
RESET command
The RESET command only resets the internal variables of the dfdutil
utility by resetting all variables and lists of original values. It rescans
each bus to detect any devices. It does not reset any SCSI buses.
Therefore, the resets display produced may not reflect any downloads
that may have been done since dfdutil was started.
The syntax for this command is:
UTILINFO command
This command provides general information about the use of dfdutil.
HELP command
The HELP command provides useful information about dfdutil
The syntax for this command is:
HELP <command name>