Chapter 10 209
Scan test
Running est from command line
• -c high—Displays the upper clock limit.
• -p 1 nom—Sets the supply 1 margin to nominal.
There are four power supplies, 1 through 4.
Table 81 shows the valid values for clock and power.
Table 81 Valid values for clock and power supplies
est miscellaneous commands
This section gives the following useful commands entered at the est
• ms—Puts all the scan hardware into a safe state.
• q—Quits, but asks the user first.
• qq—Quits without asking.
• script <file>—Runs a file containing est commands.
• v—Prints version information.
• F—Opens the flags submenu.
• t—Prints current time and date.
est run time option commands
est provides commands that update the main option settings that
control the run time operation of est tests. Each command uses one
command line argument, on or off. Table 82 lists these commands.
NOTE When in GUI mode, all of the above choices are available through the
options and details pull-down menus.
Clock Power
up or high up or high
nom nom
ext low