
Chapter 12 281
Scan tools
I/O buffering commands
This section presents a list of the sppdsh I/O buffering commands. For
these commands, four default buffers are created: buf1 - buf4.
buf_cmp buf1 buf2—Compares two buffers. Null is returned if they
are the same. If they are different, the index and data of the first conflict
is returned.
buf_cpy buf1 buf2—Copy buf1 to buf2
buf_clear buf—Clear buf1
seed [get|set 0xseed_value]—Set or get a seed value.
buf_mod [-bw|-s len value] buf_name [value | key_data]
[nbr] [offset]—Write to buffer. The following are three examples:
1. buf_mod buf1 0x01234567 10 2
writes 0x01234567 10 times with an offset of 2 words.
2. buf_mod -b buf1 0x3d 1 10
writes the byte 0x3d once at 0x10
3. buf_mod -s 5 0 buf2
write five zeros then five ones for all of the buffer space using the
following key data:
rand—Produces random data based on the seed
zeroes—Produces all zero data
ones—Produces all one data
alt1—Alternates zeros and ones
alt2—Alternates ones and zeros
buf_print buf1—Print buffer contents.
buf_read buf1 [size]—Prints the value of a byte in the given buffer.
Memory transfer commands
The following is list of all sppdsh memory transfer commands:
file_to_mem file_name address—Reads and loads a file into
memory starting at address.