Chapter 3 71
Power-On Self Test
Memory board deconfiguration
This message indicates that the specified memory board is deconfigured.
This can be due to a memory board being found on one side of memory
without a corresponding pair, since boards must be used in pairs of even/
odd boards. This can also occur when a memory board has no usable
For example:
Deconfiguring: MB5L
Illegal memory board configuration
This message indicates that there is an unallowed memory board
configuration. Memory boards can only be used in two-, four-, or eight-
board configurations. In the following example, a six-board configuration
was detected, and two boards will be deconfigured.
For example:
Illegal 6 memory board configuration.
Memory remap
This message indicates that the specified physical row was mapped to
the indicated logical row. This is done to accommodate either improperly
installed DIMMs or when DIMMs in lower rows are not usable. This can
occur when a DIMM is bad or when memory boards contain differing
memory populations.
For example:
MB0L: Physical Row:2 mapped to Logical Row:0
Processor initialization failure
This message indicates that the specified processor failed to perform the
step described during parallel main memory initialization. The monarch
processor completes the initialization assigned the failing processor.
For example:
PB1R_A timed out during encache memory init code
PB1R_A timed out during memory initialization
PB1R_A timed out during idle request after memory init