
Chapter 12 279
Scan tools
l_sub <arg1> <arg2>—Left subtract two data arguments. For
abc=`l_sub 0x55 0x1`
l_mod <arg1> <arg2>—Left modulo two data arguments. For
abc=`l_mod 0x55 0x1`
l_mult <arg1> <arg2>—Left multiply two data arguments. For
abc=`l_mult 0x55 0x1`
b2h <arg1> <arg2>—Convert a binary number to hex (abc = 0xb). This
command is limited to 32-bit data types. For example:
abc=`b2h 1011`
h2b <arg1> <arg2>—Convert a hex number to binary (abc = 1011).
This command is limited to 32-bit data types. For example:
abc=`h2b 0xb`
conv <arg1> <arg2>—Converts from hex to decimal. This command
is limited to 32-bit data types. For example:
abc=`conv 0xb`
conv <arg1> <arg2>—Convert from decimal to hex. For example:
abc=`conv 11`
converts 11 from decimal to hex and assign it to abc (abc = 0xb). This
command is limited to 32-bit data types.
s_tos <arg1> <arg2>—Removes underbar from a hex number. For
abc=`s_tos 0xff_abcd`
Converts 0xff_abcd to 0xffabcd and assigns it to abc.
System information commands
The following are system information commands. For all these
command, -v produces the verbose manufacturing name, -q produces
the name alone without additional information, and -a produces the
available memory.
complex <c_name>—Set the current, default complex to be complex
c_name. If only one complex is available, this command is not necessary.