Chapter 11 253
Example of OBP output while booting
OBP Power-On Boot on [0:0]
PDC Firmware Version Information
PDC_ENTRY version
POST Revision:
OBP Fieldtest Release, compiled 98/10/30 14:11:20 (3)
SPP_PDC Fieldtest (11/12/98 19:17:49)
Proc type Proc# Proc Rev Speed State Dcache Icache I-prefetch
---------- ----- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----------
HP,PA8500 0 2.0 440 MHz Active 1024 KB 512 KB On
HP,PA8500 2 2.0 440 MHz Active 1024 KB 512 KB On
HP,PA8500 4 2.0 440 MHz Active 1024 KB 512 KB On
HP,PA8500 6 2.0 440 MHz Active 1024 KB 512 KB On
HP,PA8500 8 2.0 440 MHz Active 1024 KB 512 KB On
HP,PA8500 10 2.0 440 MHz Active 1024 KB 512 KB On
HP,PA8500 12 2.0 440 MHz Active 1024 KB 512 KB On
HP,PA8500 14 2.0 440 MHz Active 1024 KB 512 KB On
Primary boot path = 0/0/0.6.0
Alternate boot path = 15/3 NFS
Console path = 15/1
Keyboard path = 15/1
[*** Manufacturing (or Debug) Permissions ON ***]
System is HP9000/800/V2500 series
Autoboot and Autosearch flags are both OFF or we are in HP core mode.
Processor is entering manual boot mode.
Command Description
------- -----------
AUto [BOot|SEArch ON|OFF] Display or set the specified flag
BOot [PRI|ALT|<path> <args>] Boot from a specified path
BootTimer [time] Display or set boot delay time
CLEARPIM Clear PIM storage
CPUconfig [<cpu>] [ON|OFF|SHOW] (De)Configure/Show Processor
DEfault Set the system to defined values
DEfault Set the system to defined values
DIsplay Display this menu
ForthMode Switch to the Forth OBP interface
IO List the I/O devices in the system
LS [<path>|flash] List the boot or flash volume
OS [hpux|sppux] Display/Select Operating System
PASSword Set the Forth password
PAth [PRI|ALT|CON] [<path>] Display or modify a path
PDT [CLEAR|DEBUG] Display/clear Non-Volatile PDT state
PIM_info [cpu#] [HPMC|TOC|LPMC] Display PIM of current or any CPU
RESET [hard|debug] Force a reset of the system
RESTrict [ON|OFF] Display/Select restricted access to Forth
SCSI [INIT|RATE] [bus slot val] List/Set SCSI controller parms
SEArch [<path>] Search for boot devices
SECure [ON|OFF] Display or set secure boot mode
TIme [cn:yr:mo:dy:hr:mn[:ss]] Display or set the real-time clock
VErsion Display the firmware versions