
Chapter 8 147
io3000 classes and subtests
Table 41 io3000 Class 16 subtests
User parameters
The test controller provides io3000 with up to 37 user parameter words.
Current parameters are defined in Table 42.
Subtest Name Description
1600 Tachyon PCI
space test
Verifies the ability of the SAGA to
access the Tachyon Fibre Channel
controller by way of the PCI
configuration space. Verifies the PCI
vendor ID and device ID fields to be
0x107e and 0x0004, respectively. Also
verifies the base address registers to
be writable and readable.
1605 Tachyon PCI I/O
and Memory
space test
Maps the Tachyon Fibre Channel
controller through PCI configuration
space so that the controller’s CSRs
may be accessed by way of PC memory
space. The test writes a pattern to the
world-wide name Hi (www_hi) in the
Tachyon chip. The register is then
read back to verify the previous write