
286 Chapter 12
Scan tools
jf-ccmd_info displays information about active V2500 nodes
connected to the diagnostic LAN. It has the following format:
The display includes the Ethernet address, IP address, Complex Serial
number, Node number, environmental LED status, and the Diagnostic
node name of each active V2500 node.
jf-ccmd_info sends a broadcast packet to all nodes on the diagnostic
LAN requesting this information. jf-ccmd_info accumulates
responses received within a short timeout period then sorts the
responses based on node name.
The JTAG utility firmware responds to the request with output similar
to the following:
joker-t(hw2a):/users/sppuser$ jf-ccmd_info
Complex Node Env Pwr Cub Diagnostic
Ethernet Addr IP Address Serial # # Led Sts Sts Node name
-------------- -------------- ---------- - --- --- --- ----------
0x00A0D900BF03 SN12757550 0 0x00 0x80 0x00 hw2a-0000
0x00A0D900C3A3 SN13169380 0 0x00 0x80 0x00 hw2b-0000
CAUTION jf-ccmd_info displays information about all active V2500 nodes that
answer the broadcast request, even if the node is not configured.
If the jf-ccmd_info utility displays information about a node, but the
node has not been detected by the ccmd daemon, then the node is not
configured. Use the ts_config utility to configure the node.