268 Chapter 12
Scan tools
sppdsh is an enhanced version of the Korn Shell (ksh) with all of the
functionality of ksh, as well as new commands that are suited to a
diagnostic environment. sppdsh resides on the teststation in /spp/bin/
The diagnostic shell runs on a teststation that is totally independent of
the system itself. The shell requires information about the complexes
and nodes attached to the teststation. ccmd interrogates the complexes
and nodes on the DART bus and generates a database of information on
the teststation; it does not act unilaterally.
POST passes system information to ccmd through NVRAM about the
system itself. If POST fails to initialize the system, ccmd will time out
and print a warning. If this occurs, many diagnostic shell operations will
not work as expected.
On start-up, the diagnostic shell reads the database that ccmd provides.
If major changes are made to the system, sppdsh should be restarted to
be sure that the shell has an accurate representation of the system. If
ccmd is restarted, then the shell must be restarted.
sppdsh commands are sorted into the following five categories:
• Miscellaneous commands—Control the system behavior and aid in
generating useful scripts
• Data transfer commands—Allow the user to transfer register state or
memory information back and forth between the system and the
• Data conversion commands—Reformat data to make it more useful
• System information commands—Provide information about the
system hardware to run diagnostic upon
• I/O buffering commands—Aid in the testing of I/O devices and
• Configuration commands—Alters a system configuration for POST
after a reboot.
• SPP enhancements—New sppdsh commands for the V2500 server.
The commands in each category are described in the following sections.