272 Chapter 12
Scan tools
• backplane_serial_number—Identifies a specific board on the
diagnostic network. This number may be read with the COP
command. It is used to assign new node numbers or complex serial
• complex_serial_number—Identifies all the nodes in a complex.
Software licensing is often based on the complex serial number.
• key—A 32-bit hexadecimal number used as an encryption code for
complex serial numbers.
• cop_id—A name associated with a board in a node. Table 87 lists
valid cop IDs.
Table 87 Valid COP IDs
ID Description
scub A system communications and utility board
mib A midplane or backplane
pb0l A processor board on the left side of the cabinet
pb0r A processor board on the right side of the cabinet
pb1l A processor board on the left side of the cabinet
pb1r A processor board on the right side of the cabinet
pb2l A processor board on the left side of the cabinet
b2r A processor board on the right side of the cabinet
pb3l A processor board on the left side of the cabinet
pb3r A processor board on the right side of the cabinet
pb4l A processor board on the left side of the cabinet
pb4r A processor board on the right side of the cabinet
pb5l A processor board on the left side of the cabinet
pb5r A processor board on the right side of the cabinet
pb6l A processor board on the left side of the cabinet
pb6r A processor board on the right side of the cabinet