Chapter 8 159
io3000 error codes
io3000 controller general errors
io3000 Controller general error codes post the following error message:
Example of io3000 controller general error message:
Table 54 shows each io3000 general controller error code.
Table 54 io3000 Controller general errors
io3000 PCI errors
io3000 PCI error codes post the following error message:
Example of io3000 PCI error message:
Table 55 shows each io3000 PCI error code.
Code Description
0x80 The controller was not detected as present per the SAGA’s
PcixStatCSR PCI card present bits.
0x81 SCSI flash read error. io3000 was unable to successfully
read the SCSI controller’s flash memory.
0x82 io3000 was unable to initialize the controller.
0x83 The loopback test on the controller failed.
0x84 The controller was unexpectedly offline.