
Chapter 5 115
Example of running diagnostics from cxtest window
Example of running diagnostics from
cxtest window
The following example procedure shows the user how to use mem3000
from cxtest. It assumes that the node configuration has been set up
using the main cxtest window.
Step 1. From the cxtest main menu Tests option, select MEM3000 - EEPROM
based memory tests.
This opens the class selection window shown in Figure 34.
Figure 34 mem3000 Test Class Selection window
Step 2. In the Test Class Selections window, click on the round buttons to the left
of the classes to select which class of test to execute. Any combination of
classes may be selected.
Step 3. Click on a Selected Subtests button to select which associated subtests to
run for each class. A Subtest Selections window opens for each Selected
Subtests button clicked. The Class 1 Subtest Selections window is shown
in Figure 35.