Chapter 11 217
AutoRaid recovery map (arrm)
Example of unsucessful recovery message
Utility Compatibility Check Unsuccessful.
The Product firmware may not support RECOVER!
Do you want to attempt recover anyway ([y]/n)?
In all cases of this type, respond with a y, Y, n, or N followed by ENTER
or just ENTER. The default is the choice enclosed in the square brackets
(i.e.[y]), and just pressing ENTER is equivalent to entering the letter
enclosed in the square brackets followed by ENTER.
The arrm utility can only recover one volume set at a time. It displays a
list of the volume set(s) present in the array. The display has with one
line per volume set. Each line contains the volume set serial number
enclosed in angle brackets (>, <) followed by the physical locations of the
drives that are members of that volume set. For the above example, the
following output shows the unusual case of an array with two volume
sets present with three drives in each of the two volume sets.
Example output of recovery volumes
Nr. Vol. Set Ser. Nr Drives:
1: > 1213A D< A4 A5 A6
2: > 1213A 12< B4 B5 B6
To select the volume set to be recovered, enter the number in the
leftmost column of the line describing the volume setand press ENTER.
Once the volume set has been selected, the array firmware examines
map information on the disks of the selected volume set to determine if
recovery is possible. This may take several seconds. If recovery is not
possible, the following message will be displayed:
Failed -- RECOVER Command
This message may also result by attempting a recovery even though the
array firmware may not support the recover command.
If recovery is possible, the following message will be displayed:
Press ENTER key to exit loop.
This message is followed by the following message message
Recovery in progress: xx %