
Chapter 8 139
io3000 classes and subtests
Table 35 io3000 Class 6 subtests
Subtest Name Description
600 Channel init, ATPR = 0x0
625 Channel init, write tlb, data
prefetch, ATPR = 0xa
630 Channel init, tlb prefetch, ATPR
= 0xc
635 Channel build, ATPR = 0xc
640 Channel init, tlb & data
prefetch, ATPR = 0xe
645 Channel build, ATPR = 0xe
650 Channel context access Veriļ¬es selected
SAGA channels in
virtual mode. After
each channel is built,
the test checks the
context SRAM. If the
full channel disable
option is set, Channels
0, 1007, and power of 2
channels greater than
31 are tested.
Otherwise all
channels greater than
channel number 31
are tested. Channels 1-
31 are reserved for
controller DMA
access. (default).
605 Channel build, ATPR = 0x0