
Chapter 12 277
Scan tools
bput [-q] <part>:<field> <value>—Inserts data into the
locked scan ring image. When the -q option is used, the results are
displayed without the scan field name.
bunlock n<node_number>:<ring>:<path>—Writes the scan ring
image and unlocks it.
packet [-q] [NR | R=number] [P=number] [6=number]
node8_0 <packet symbols>—Requests input to a xbar device from
SPAC 0 on node 8. The request waits for a response and returns it.
The -q option suppresses some output. Other arguments are as
NR—No response
R = N—Response of N symbols
P = N—Select port N
6 = N—Use N as the R6 symbol
The following is an example of this command:
packet R=3 P=1 node0_2 rd_short R=3 lgth=1 route=4
adr=0 dl=0 lcl=1 mstr=2a tid=1c size=3 Q=0
file_to_mem <file_name> <address>—Reads a file and loads
the file into memory starting at address.
mem_cmp <address1> <address | buffer> <size>—Compares
the memory at address1 to address1+size to that at address2.
size is a value in bytes.
mem_dump <address> [size]—Dumps the memory starting at
address. size is a value in 64-bit words.
mem_cpy <address | buffer> <address | buffer> [size]
Copies the memory from address1 to buffer1 - up to size or 4K
bytes. size is a value in 64-bit words.
tag_dump <address> [size]—Dumps the tags associated with
the cache line of address and repeat for size cache lines.
tag_cpy <address> <data> [size]—Copies the data into the
tags associated with the cache line of address and repeat for size
cache lines.
ecc_dump <address> [size]—Dumps the ECC bits associated
with the cache line of address and repeat for size cache lines.