
220 Chapter 11
dcm dumps the boot configuration map information for the specified
node. There are two main reporting modes; one for general hardware
configuration and one for the DIMM type.
The general hardware mode reports processors, ASICs, and memory size
information. The DIMM type mode provides pass/fail tests for specific
DIMM types, and a general DIMM type report option.
dcm uses following format:
dcm [-d <80|88|all>] <node id> <node id> ...
-d 80 checks to see if only 80-bit DIMMs are installed.
-d 88 checks to see if only 88-bit DIMMs are installed.
-d all dumps the status of all installed DIMMs, 80- or 88-bit.
This option returns an exit code: a zero value indicates dump was
successful and a one values indicates the dump failed.
node id may be a node number or IP name.
When invoked as dcm <node id>, dcm returns 0 and prints a table
with the following format for a node with eight processors, eight SPACs,
one SIOB, and EWMBs half-populated with 128-Mbyte DIMMs: