200 Chapter 10
Scan test
Running est from command line
Running est from command line
The following is the command line usage for est:
est [-options] <node_number>
For example, to test node 0, enter:
% est 0
est reads configuration information from files stored in /spp/data (e.g
node_0.cfg). These configuration files are automatically generated by
ccmd each time the system is powered up. While ccmd is running, it
prints its status to the console window. When database generation is
complete and no errors are reported, it writes the necessary
configuration files and est may be executed.
Table 77 shows est command line options.
Table 77 est command line options
Option Description
-v Print version and exit
-f <filename> Run a given script file
-l Do not generate a log file
-o <filename> Redirect the log file to the given filename
-x Open X windows GUI interface
-y Say “yes” if asked to take over a locked ECUB
-C Use old style configuration formats
-V VT100 command menu
-A Standalone; does not connect to node
-B Do not build database
-H Hardware mode on (default)
-N Hardware mode off