176 Chapter 9
mem3000 error codes
mem3000 error codes
When a failure is encountered, an event code is set along with an error
message. The least significant 12 bits of the event code contain the error
code. Table 74 lists the mem3000 error codes.
Table 74 mem3000 error codes
Code Meaning
001 Diagnostic address CSR miscompare occurred (upper 32-bits)
002 Diagnostic address CSR miscompare occurred (lower 32-bits)
003 Diagnostic data CSR miscompare occurred (used only by
class 1)
004 Diagnostic data CSR miscompare occurred (in upper 32-bits)
005 Diagnostic data CSR miscompare occurred (in lower 32-bits)
008 Miscompare occurred in the upper 32-bits of the CSR
009 Miscompare occurred in the lower 32-bits of the CSR
010 Memory data miscompare occurred
011 Memory data miscompare occurred (upper 32-bits)
012 Memory data miscompare occurred (lower 32-bits)
013 Memory data matched when it shouldn't have (upper 32 bits)
014 Memory data matched when it shouldn't have (lower 32-bits)
020 Miscompare occurred in the upper 32-bits of the tag
021 Miscompare occurred in the lower 32-bits of the tag
022 The tag changed when it shouldn't have
030 ECC data miscompare occurred
031 An ECC error was logged when it shouldn't have been
032 SMAC did not correct the single bit ECC failure as expected