Chapter 11 215
AutoRaid recovery map (arrm)
AutoRaid recovery map (arrm)
The arrm utility is used only with an AR-12H (C5447A) disk array that
displays the status "No address table" on the front panel rather than the
usual status of "Ready." It is only intended for use by trained service
personnel in this speciļ¬c situation.
Starting arrm
To run arrm, enter the followingf command:
tc_ioutil 0 arrm.fw
This script downloads and executes arrm. The following initial display
for the operator on the sppconsole window:
Example output of arrm utility
*** ***
*** AutoRaid Recover Map Utility ***
*** ***
*** (C) Copyright Hewlett-Packard Co. 1998 ***
*** All Rights Reserved ***
*** ***
*** This program may only be used by HP support personnel and ***
*** those customers with the appropriate Class license or ***
*** Node license for systems specified by the license. HP ***
*** shall not be liable for any damages resulting from misuse ***
*** or unauthorized use of this program. This program ***
*** remains the property of HP. ***
*** ***
*** Version 4.3 ***
Please enter the address of the AR-12H
in the form E/S/0.T.0 where
where E is the EPIC number,
S is the slot number,
and T is the target ID number in decimal.
For example, if AR-12H at SCSI target ID 5 on a SCSI bus is attached to
a controller in slot 1 of EPIC 0, the response would be: