
208 Chapter 10
Scan test
Running est from command line
SCI_all test
The sci_all utility tests all SCI cables in a complex.
The usage of sci_all is as follows:
sci_all [test]
test Refers to the specific test: dc, dc_clk, ac. With the dc
test, the clock from the receiver node is used. The
dc_clk test derives its clock from the cable.
If all cables are not connected or there is an unusual cable configuration,
sci_all will not work until the cable configuration files in /spp/est/
sci_tests have been updated:
CAUTION Use extreme care when modifying any est data files; damage to the
system may result. If you are not sure what to do, seek help.
To run est with modified data files, create a local directory and copy the
files to it. For the case of sci_all, create a local ./sci_tests directory and
then copy the sci cable files (shown above) to it. Edit the files and then
run est. est looks into the ./sci_tests directory for the files before the
/spp/est/sci_tests directory.
JTAG Identification test
The JTAG Identification test prints all JTAG IDs. the format is:
Margin commands
The Margin command for clocks and power format is:
m [-c | -p [supply] [value]]
The -c option specifies the clock, and the -p option specifies power.
These two options can not be used together; use either -c or -p.
When a value is not supplied, the current states are displayed.
By itself, m shows all margins.
The following are examples of margin command options: