Chapter 8 155
io3000 error codes
io3000 device specification errors
io3000 device specification errors post the following error message:
Example of io3000 device specification error message:
Table 48 shows each io3000 general error code.
Table 48 io3000 device specification error codes
io3000 SAGA general errors
io3000 SAGA general errors post the following error message:
Example of io3000 SAGA general error message:
Table 49 shows each io3000 SAGA general error code.
Code Description
0x8 Duplicate device specification. The same device was
specified multiple times in the user parameters.
0x9 Invalid SAGA number. The number in the SAGA field of one
of the device parameters is invalid (> 7).
0xa Invalid slot number. The number in the slot field of one of
the device parameters is invalid.
0xb Invalid logical unit number. The number in the logical unit
field of one of the device parameters is invalid (> 7).
0xc Duplicate Fibre Channel device specification.
0xd Invalid Fibre Channel SAGA number.
0xe Invalid Fibre Channel slot number.
0xf Invalid Fibre Channel LUN number.