D Logs summary
166 MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual
PXYA/B Computed Cartesian Coordinate Position
This log contains the last valid position, expressed in Cartesian x-y-z space coordinates, relative to the center of
the Earth. The positions expressed in this log are always relative to
WGS84 regardless of the setting of the DATUM
or USERDATUM command. See Figure D-2 for a definition of the coordinates.
➀ This lo
provides differential fix and la
$PXYA week seconds x y z x std y std z std sol status
fix status
diff lag *xx
Field # Field type Data Description Example
1 $PXYA Log header $PXYA
2 week GPS week number 713
3 seconds GPS seconds into the week 488150.00
4 x Position x coordinate, in metres -1634756.995
5 y Position y coordinate, in metres -3664965.028
6 z Position z coordinate, in metres 4942151.391
7 x std Standard deviation of x, in metres 2.335
8 y std Standard deviation of y, in metres 3.464
9 z std Standard deviation of z, in metres 4.156
10 sol status Solution status as listed in Table D-1 0
11 fix status 0 = fix not available or invalid
1 = Single point standalone fix
2 = Differential fix
diff lag ➀
Age of differential correction (seconds) (= 0 if fix status ≠ 2) 0.4
13 *xx Checksum *08
14 [CR][LF] Sentence terminator [CR][LF]