Reference Manual
00809-0100-2230, Rev BB
August 2014
Rosemount 2230
Appendix C. FOUNDATION fieldbus Block Information
Table C-2. FD_SIMULATE elements
77 FAILED_PRI Designates the alarming priority of the FAILED_ALM and also used as switch b/w FD and
legacy PWA. If value is greater than or equal to 1 then PWA alerts will be active in device
else device will have FD alerts.
78 RECOMMENDED_ACTION Enumerated list of recommended actions displayed with a device alert.
79 FAILED_ALM Alarm indicating a failure within a device which makes the device non-operational.
80 MAINT_ALM Alarm indicating the device needs maintenance soon. If the condition is ignored, the
device will eventually fail.
81 ADVISE_ALM Alarm indicating advisory alarms. These conditions do not have a direct impact on the
process or device integrity.
82 FAILED_ENABLE Enabled FAILED_ALM alarm conditions. Corresponds bit for bit to the FAILED_ACTIVE.
A bit on means that the corresponding alarm condition is enabled and will be detected. A
bit off means the corresponding alarm condition is disabled and will not be detected.
This parameter is the Read Only copy of FD_FAIL_MAP.
83 FAILED_MASK Mask of FAILED_ALM. Corresponds bit of bit to FAILED_ACTIVE. A bit on means that the
condition is masked out from alarming.
This parameter is the Read Only copy of FD_FAIL_MASK.
84 FAILED_ACTIVE Enumerated list of failure conditions within a device. All open bits are free to be used as
appropriate for each specific device.
This parameter is the Read Only copy of FD_FAIL_ACTIVE.
85 MAINT_PRI Designates the alarming priority of the MAINT_ALM
86 MAINT_ENABLE Enabled MAINT_ALM alarm conditions. Corresponds bit for bit to the MAINT_ACTIVE. A
bit on means that the corresponding alarm condition is enabled and will be detected. A bit
off means the corresponding alarm condition is disabled and will not be detected.
This parameter is the Read Only copy of FD_OFFSPEC_MAP
87 MAINT_MASK Mask of MAINT_ALM. Corresponds bit of bit to MAINT_ACTIVE. A bit on means that the
condition is masked out from alarming.
This parameter is the Read Only copy of FD_OFFSPEC_MASK.
88 MAINT_ACTIVE Enumerated list of maintenance conditions within a device.
This parameter is the Read Only copy of FD_OFFSPEC_ACTIVE.
89 ADVISE_PRI Designates the alarming priority of the ADVISE_ALM
90 ADVISE_ENABLE Enabled ADVISE_ALM alarm conditions. Corresponds bit for bit to the ADVISE_ACTIVE.
A bit on means that the corresponding alarm condition is enabled and will be detected. A
bit off means the corresponding alarm condition is disabled and will not be detected.
This parameter is the Read Only copy of FD_MAINT_MASK & FD_CHECK_MASK.
91 ADVISE_MASK Mask of ADVISE_ALM. Corresponds bit by bit to ADVISE_ACTIVE. A bit on means that
the condition is masked out from alarming. This parameter is the Read Only copy of
92 ADVISE_ACTIVE Enumerated list of advisory conditions within a device. All open bits are free to be used as
appropriate for each specific device.
This parameter is the Read Only copy of FD_MAINT_ACTIVE & FD_CHECK_ACTIVE.
Number Parameter Description
1 Diagnostic Simulate Value Bit string 4 Writable. Used for diagnostics when
simulation is enabled
2 Diagnostic Value Bit string 4 Current diagnostics detected by the
3 Enable Unsigned 8 1 Enable/Disable simulation. Dynamic, so
simulation will always be disabled after a
device restart.