Reference Manual
00809-0100-2230, Rev BB
August 2014
Rosemount 2230
Section 5. Service and Troubleshooting
5.3.2 Tankbus System This section covers systems with field devices connected to a Rosemount
2410 Tank Hub.
Table 5-4. Troubleshooting
chart for Tankbus related
Symptom Possible cause Action
No communication with the
Rosemount 2230
Incorrect Tankbus termination
• Check that there are two terminators on the Tankbus.
Normally the built-in termination in the 2410 Tank Hub is
• Check that terminations are placed at both ends of the
Too many devices on the Tankbus
• Check that the total current consumption of the devices on
the Tankbus is less than 250 mA. See the Rosemount 2410
Reference Manual (Document no. 305030en) for more
• Remove one or more devices from the Tankbus. The 2410
Tank Hub supports a single tank. The multiple tank version
of the 2410 supports up to 10 tanks.
Incorrect configuration of 2160 Field
Communication Unit (FCU)
• Check the Modbus communication address specified for
the ATD device that represents the 2230 display in the 2160
FCU Slave Database. For the single tank version, the ATD
address is equal to the Modbus address of the 2410 Tank
Hub itself.
• Check configuration of communication parameters for the
FCU Fieldbus ports
• Check that the correct communication channel is selected
• See the Raptor System Configuration Manual (Document
no. 300510EN) for more information on how to configure
the 2160 FCU
Incorrect configuration of tank
database in 2410 Tank Hub
• Check the 2410 tank database; ensure that the 2230 device
is available and mapped to the right tank
• 2410 Tank Database; check that the ATD Modbus address
is equal to the 2410 Temp Modbus address in the FCU
Slave Database
• See the Raptor System Configuration Manual (Document
no. 300510EN) for more information on how to configure
the 2410 tank database
Connection to 2410 Tank Hub
• Check wiring to the 2410 Tank Hub
• Check the 2410 Tank Hub; check the Error LED or the
integral display for information