Parameter Definition
Use to indicate that you are entering one or more
script commands to run on the specified storage
array. Terminate each command by using a
semicolon (;).
You cannot place more than one -c parameter on
the same command line. You can include more
than one script command after the -c parameter.
Use to display the contents of the script
configuration file.
Use to disable syntax checking when executing the
current CLI command.
-F (uppercase)
Use to specify the e-mail address from which all
alerts will be sent.
-f (lowercase)
Use to specify a file name containing script
commands intended to run on the specified
storage array.
This parameter is similar to the -c parameter in
that both are intended for running script
commands. The -c parameter allows you to
execute individual script commands. The -f
parameter allows you to execute
script commands contained in a file.
NOTE: By default, any errors encountered
when running the script commands in a file
are ignored, and the file continues to run. To
override this behavior, use the set session
errorAction=stop command in the script
Use to specify an ASCII file that contains e-mail
sender contact information to include in all e-mail
alert notifications. The CLI assumes the ASCII file is
text only, without delimiters or any expected
format. A typical file contains the following
• Name
• Title
• Company
• Phone
• Pager
NOTE: You can use any file name that your
operating system supports. You must not use
userdata.txt. Some operating systems reserve
userdata.txt for system information.