Parameter Description
enclosure. Use the controller parameter only
for RAID controller modules with batteries.
NOTE: If you do not specify a RAID controller module, the age is reset for the storage array battery
or both RAID controller module batteries. If you specify a RAID controller module, then the age for
only that RAID controller module battery is reset.
Reset Storage Array iSCSI Baseline
This command resets the iSCSI baseline for the storage array to 0.
reset storageArray iscsiStatsBaseline
NOTE: This command resets the baseline to 0 for both RAID controller modules in the storage
array. The purpose of resetting both of the RAID controller module baselines is to help ensure that
the counts are synchronized between the RAID controller modules. If one RAID controller module
resets but the second RAID controller module does not reset, the host is informed that the RAID
controller modules are out of synchronization. The host is informed by the time stamps that are
reported with the statistics.
-c "reset storageArray iscsiStatsBaseline;"
Reset Storage Array SAS PHY Baseline
This command resets the SAS physical layer (SAS PHY) baseline for all devices except physical disks, and
removes the list of errors from the .csv file. The .csv file is generated by running the save
storageArray SASPHYCounts command.
NOTE: The reset storageArray SASPHYBaseline command clears error counts for all
devices except the physical disks. After running this command, the .
csv file continues to list the
DrivePHY errors. All other errors are deleted from the .csv file.
reset storageArray SASPHYBaseline