You can configure the MD storage management software to notify only the event levels that you specify.
For example, you can configure alert notifications only for Critical and Warning events.
1. Open the Configure Alerts dialog by performing one of these actions:
a. Select a storage array in the Devices tab in the EMW.
b. Select Edit → Configure Alerts.
The Configure Alerts dialog is displayed. Go to step 3.
c. Select Configure Alerts in the Setup tab in the EMW. Go to step 2.
2. Select the All storage arrays radio button, and click OK.
The Configure Alerts dialog is displayed.
3. Select the Filtering tab.
4. Select the check boxes next to the event levels for which the MD storage management software
must send alert notifications.
NOTE: The configuration to send alert notifications for only certain event levels applies to all of
the managed storage arrays in the MD storage management software.
5. Click OK.
Configuring Alert Notifications
You can use the Configure Alerts dialog box to set up an email alert notification in the event of an error
on the network. Alert emails are sent to the specified global mail server and sender email addresses in the
event of an error on the selected hosts of storage arrays. You can choose to be alerted to all problems or
individual problems.
1. Open the Configure Alerts dialog box by performing one of these actions:
a. Select a storage array in the Devices tab, and then select Edit → Configure Alerts.
The Configure Alerts dialog box appears. Go to step 4.
b. On the Setup tab, select Edit → Configure Alerts. Go to step 2.
2. Select one of the following radio buttons to specify an alert level:
a. All storage arrays – To send an alert email about events on all storage arrays. Click OK.
The Configure Alerts dialog box appears. Go to step 4.
b. An individual storage array – To send an alert email about events that occur on only a specified
storage array. Click OK.
The Select Storage Array dialog box appears. Go to step 3.
3. Select the storage array for which you want to receive email alerts and click OK.
The Configure Alerts dialog box appears.
NOTE: If you do not know which storage array to select, click Blink to turn on the indicator
lights of the storage array.
4. Fill in the information for the selected tab and click OK.
The dialog box closes, and the Enterprise Management Window appears. An email alert is sent to the
specified email address when an error occurs on the storage arrays or hosts that you selected.