Parameter Description
properties. Enclose the snapshot virtual disk
identifier in double quotation marks (" ") inside of
square brackets ([ ]).
The setting to turn on or turn off media scan for
the snapshot virtual disk. To turn on media scan,
set this parameter to TRUE. To turn off media scan,
set this parameter to FALSE. (If media scan is
disabled at the storage array level, this parameter
has no effect.)
The setting to turn on or turn off consistency
checking during a media scan. To turn on
consistency checking, set this parameter to TRUE.
To turn off consistency checking, set this
parameter to FALSE.
Set Snapshot Virtual Disk Repository Virtual Disk Capacity
This command defines the capacity the you can set for a snapshot virtual disk repository virtual disk.
set snapVirtualDisk ["snapVirtualDiskName"]
(repositoryFullLimit=percentValue |
increaseRepositoryCapacity (repositoryVirtualDisk=(repos_xxxx) |
decreaseRepositoryCapacity count=
Parameters Description
The alphanumeric identifier (including - and _) of
the snapshot virtual disk for which you are setting
properties. Enclose the snapshot virtual disk
identifier in double quotation marks (" ") inside of
square brackets ([ ]).
The percentage of repository virtual disk capacity
at which you receive a warning that the snapshot
repository virtual disk is nearing full. Use integer
values. For example, a value of 70 means 70
percent. The default value is 75.
The alphanumeric identifier of the repository virtual
disk has the snapshot image. All repository
identifiers have this form: repos_xxxx where
xxxx represents a four digit numerical value.