NOTE: If you also use the scheduleInterval option, the lowest value of the timesPerDay
option and the scheduleInterval option is used. The value is determined by calculating an
integer value for the
scheduleInterval option. Divide 1440 by the scheduleInterval option
value that you set. For example, 1440/180 = 8. This value is then compared to the timesPerDay
integer value and the calculated scheduleInterval integer value; the smaller value is then used.
Set Consistency Group Attributes
This command defines the properties for a snapshot consistency group.
set consistencyGroup ["consistencyGroupName"]
[userLabel="consistencyGroupName"] [repositoryFullPolicy=(failBaseWrites |
purgeSnapImages)] [repositoryFullLimit=percentValue]
[autoDeleteLimit=numberOfSnapImages] [rollbackPriority=(lowest | low | medium |
high | highest)]
Parameter Description
The name of the consistency group for which you
are setting properties. Enclose the consistency
group name in double quotation marks (" ") inside
square brackets ([ ]).
The new name that you want to give to the
snapshot consistency group. Enclose the new
consistency group name in double quotation
marks (" ").
How you want snapshot processing to continue if
the snapshot repository virtual disks are full. You
can choose to fail writes to the base virtual disk
(failBaseWrites) or delete (purge) the snapshot
images (purgeSnapImages). The default action is
The percentage of repository capacity at which
you receive a warning that the snapshot repository
virtual disk is nearing full. Use integer values. For
example, a value of 70 means 70 percent. The
default value is 75.
The maximum number of snapshot images that
you want to automatically delete if you have
selected to purge the snapshot images for a
repository full policy. The default value is 32.