6320ch_DEV_post_migration.fm Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm
132 Keeping Commerce Applications Updated WebSphere Commerce 5.1 to 5.6 Migration Guide
latter approach is recommended, as validation of the user ID should happen in
the update command.
8.2.4 Logon command
The behavior of the logon command is different in WebSphere Commerce V5.6,
compared to WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1. The following restrictions have
been added to users attempting to log on to a store in WebSphere Commerce
The user must have a role in the store’s organization hierarchy.
The user’s registration has to be approved. If the user is pending approval, he
or she will not be able to log on.
If any of the organizations in the user’s ancestral organization hierarchy is
locked, the user will not be allowed to log on.
While these changes do not necessarily prompt any code changes in custom
code, they may affect the default behavior of your store.
8.2.5 Calculation usage framework
If you have made customization in the calculation framework, these should be
migrated to the new structure in WebSphere Commerce V5.6.
In WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1, new logic for the calculation framework
could be implemented by replacing the implementation class for one of the
following task commands, depending on the calculation type:
Important: UserRegistrationUpdateCmd, UserRegistrationAddCmd and
UserRegistrationDeleteCmd must be invoked as URL commands.
If these commands are invoked from a JSP called directly through a view, or
from a generic controller command (a command that returns true from the
isGeneric method), the commands may update or delete the generic user (the
user with ID -1002). This can have adverse effects on the behavior of the
entire site.
Note: It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the information
about the calculation framework, found in the WebSphere Commerce V5.6
infoCenter at the following address: