IBM SG24-6320-00 Marine Radio User Manual

To determine the spine width of a book, you divide the paper PPI into the number of pages in the book. An example is a 250 page book using Plainfield opaque 50#
smooth which has a PPI of 526. Divided 250 by 526 which equals a spine width of .4752". In this case, you would use the .5” spine. Now select the Spine width for
the book and hide the others: Special>Conditional Text>Show/Hide>SpineSize(-->Hide:)>Set . Move the changed Conditional text settings to all files in your
book by opening
the book file with the still open and
the Conditional Text Settings (ONLY!) to the book files.
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm 285
53<->89 pages
90<->249 pages
(0.5” spine)
250 <-> 459 pages
(1.0” spine)
460 <-> 788 pages
(1.5” spine)
1.5”<-> 1.998”
789 <->1051 pages
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