834 Multicast Commands
— The length of a mask that is to be ANDed with the
group address before the hash function is called. All groups with the same
seed hash correspond to the same RP. For example, if this value is 24, only
the first 24 bits of the group addresses matter. This allows you to get one
RP for multiple groups. (Range 0–32 bits).
— The priority of the candidate BSR. The BSR with the higher
priority is preferred. If the priority values are the same, the router with the
higher IP address is the BSR. (Range 0–255).
Default Configuration
The router will not announce its candidacy by default
The default hash mask length is 32 bits.
The default priority is 0.
Command Mode
Global Configuration mode
User Guidelines
There are no user guidelines for this command.
console(config)#ip pimsm bsr-candidate interface vlan
3 12 255
ip pimsm dr-priority
The ip pimsm dr-priority command is used to set the priority value for which
a router is elected as the designated router (DR). Use the “no” form of this
command to set the priority to the default.
ip pimsm dr-priority
no ip pimsm dr-priority
— The election priority (Range: 0–2147483647).