OSPF Commands 917
– Software restart (1)
–Software reload/upgrade (2)
– Switch to redundant control processor (3)
– Unrecognized - a value not defined in RFC 3623
When FASTPATH sends a grace LSA, it sets the Restart Reason to
Software Restart on a planned warm restart (when the "initiate failover"
command is invoked), and to Unknown on an unplanned warm restart.
• Remaining Grace Time — The number of seconds remaining in the
current graceful restart interval. This row is only included if the router is
currently acting as a restart helper for the neighbor.
• Restart Exit Reason — One of the following:
– None — graceful restart has not been attempted
– In Progress — restart is in progress
– Completed — the previous graceful restart completed successfully
– Timed Out — the previous graceful restart timed out
– Topology Changed — The previous graceful restart terminated
prematurely because of a topology change. A helpful neighbor declares
a topology change when it forwards a changed LSA to the restarting
router. An LSA is considered changed if its contents are changed, not
if it is simply a periodic refresh.