Standard Horizon CPF180I Fish Finder User Manual

CPF180i and CPF300i Page 61
Figure 7.1.1a - Moving Mark or Waypoint (II)
The MARKS/WPTS List shows all the Marks and Waypoints that have been stored into the
GPS Chart Plotter. This page also allows you to:
ICON Allows sorting by icon type
FIND Searches through the Marks or Waypoints to find a point by name using the ShuttlePoint knob
LOCATE Shows the position of a Mark or Waypoint on the Chart page
EDIT Allows you to edit a previous stored Mark or Waypoint
SORT Sorts the name of the Mark or Waypoint in ascending or descending order
NEW MARK Allows you to create and edit a new Mark. Useful when entering many Marks from a list.
MODE This selection controls how the Marks or Waypoints are shown on the Chart page. Selections are:
a. SHOW - icon and name are shown
b. ICON - only icon (no name) is shown
c. HIDE - Mark or Waypoint is hidden
d. SHOW ALL - All Marks or Waypoints are shown
e. ICON ALL - All Icons are shown without name
f. HIDE ALL - All Marks or Waypoints are hidden
DELETE* Opens a window with two options: "DELETE SELECTED" for deleting the selected point and
"DELETE ALL" for deleting all stored points.
SEND** Sends the stored points to a external device (PC) capable of listening to NMEA WPL and RTE
RECEIVE** When selected, receives points from an external device (PC) that is capable of sending NMEA
WPL sentence.
The CPF300i has two items “DELETE” and “DEL ALL”.
The SEND and RECEIVE functions are used to receive or transmit User Points (Marks and
Waypoints) to and from a Personal Computer.
Figure 7.2 - Example of Marks/Waypoints List on CPF180