Event Message Severity Cause
is the entity that this
sensor is monitoring. For
example "BMC Back Fan" or
"BMC Front Fan." Reading
is specified in RPM. For
example, 100 RPM.
<Sensor Name/Location>
Fan sensor returned to
normal state <Reading>.
Information The fan specified by <Sensor
Name/ Location> has returned to
its normal operating speed.
<Sensor Name/Location>
Fan sensor detected a
warning <Reading>.
Warning The speed of the specified
<Sensor Name/Location> fan
may not be sufficient to provide
enough cooling to the system.
<Sensor Name/Location>
Fan Redundancy sensor
redundancy degraded.
Information The fan specified by <Sensor
Name/ Location> may have
failed and hence, the redundancy
has been degraded.
<Sensor Name/Location>
Fan Redundancy sensor
redundancy lost.
Critical The fan specified by <Sensor
Name/ Location> may have
failed and hence, the redundancy
that was degraded previously has
been lost.
<Sensor Name/Location>
Fan Redundancy sensor
redundancy regained
Information The fan specified by <Sensor
Name/ Location> may have
started functioning again and
hence, the redundancy has been
Fan <number> RPM is less
than the lower warning
Warning The speed of the specified fan
might not provide enough
cooling to the system.
Fan <number> RPM is less
than the lower critical
Critical The speed of the specified fan is
not sufficient to provide enough
cooling to the system.
Fan <number> RPM is
greater than the upper
warning threshold.
Warning The speed of the specified fan
exceeded the warning threshold.
Fan <number> RPM is
greater than the upper
critical threshold.
Critical The speed of the specified fan
exceeded the critical threshold.
Fan <number> RPM is
outside of range.
Critical The speed of the specified fan
might not provide enough
cooling to the system.