Event Message Severity Cause
The temperature for power
supply <number> is
outside of range.
Critical Temperature of specified power
supply entered into critical state.
An under voltage fault
detected on power supply
Critical The specified power supply
detected inefficient voltage.
An over voltage fault
detected on power supply
Critical The specified power supply
detected an over voltage
An over current fault
detected on power supply
Crotoca; The specified power supply
detected an over current
Fan failure detected on
power supply <number>.
Critical The specified power supply fan
has failed.
Communication has been
restored to power supply
Information This event is generated when the
power supply has recovered
from an earlier communication
A power supply wattage
mismatch is detected;
power supply <number> is
rated for <value> watts.
Critical This event is generated when
there is more than one power
supplies in the system and the
power supply wattage do not
Power supply <number>
wattage mismatch
Information This event is generated when the
power supply has recovered
from an earlier power supply
wattage mismatch.
Power supply redundancy
is lost.
Critical Power supply redundancy is lost
if only one power supply is
Power supply redundancy
is degraded.
Warning Power supply redundancy is
degraded if one of the power
supply sources is removed or
The power supplies are
Information This event is generated if the
power supply has been
reconnected or replaced.