DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-133ASAI-EPT
— If the error type is less than 3968, then the ASAI cause code is
equal to the error type minus 3840. The switch sent this value to the
Table 10-44. ASAI Cause Values
Code Explanation Recommendation
0 Unrecognized
ASAI Protocol
Requested ASAI protocol is not implemented by switch or adjunct. Aux
data field of error log entry contains protocol identifier for unrecognized
1. Consult switch and adjunct documentation to determine which set of
operations is supported by switch and the adjunct. Adjunct
administration turning off operations not implemented by the switch
may resolve the problem.
34 No circuit or
A resource on the switch is unavailable for a call. For BRI endpoints, this
cause value is not logged. For ASAI, this condition means that there are
no available trunks for an outgoing call request.
1. Verify that the adjunct is administered to support the trunk
capabilities of the switch.
2. Investigate trunk group status by issuing the status trunk command
from the SAT or by requesting trunk group query(ies) from the
3. Perform trunk diagnostic procedures outlined in this manual.
40 Resources not
No available internal resources to service switch or adjunct request.
Exceeds system transaction capacity for adjunct or switch.
1. May require re-engineering of adjunct services.
50 Requested
facility not
Requested facility is implemented, but not administered. Potential
administration problem with endpoint or adjunct.
For BRI endpoints:
1. Verify the switch administration of endpoint using either the display
station or display data-module commands.
2. If Step 1 does not resolve the problem, refer to the endpoint’s service
manual and verify administration on the endpoint.
For ASAI adjuncts:
1. Display the Customer Optional Features Form (administration
screen) on the switch to determine which ASAI capabilities are
turned on in the switch.
2. Verify that the adjunct is administered to support the identical
capabilities as the switch. If there is a mismatch in the administered
capabilities, then readminister the switch and/or the adjunct to
establish a consistent set of desired capabilities on both the switch
and the adjunct.
Continued on next page