DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
About This Book
Page xviiiConventions Used in This Document
Each DEFINITY System has a user-designated System Manager who is
responsible for administration of the system. This person’s duties and
capabilities are covered in the following books:
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 1 and Generic 3 System
, 555-230-500
DEFINITY Communications System Release 5 Traffic Reports
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5.4 Administration
and Feature Description
The maintenance technician should work closely with the user’s System
This book is not intended to solve all levels of troubles. It is limited to troubles that
can be solved by using the Alarm Log, Error Log, trouble-clearing procedures,
maintenance tests, and traditional troubleshooting methods. If the trouble still has
not been resolved, it the responsibility of the maintenance technician to escalate
the problem to a higher level of technical support. Escalation should conform to
the procedures in the
Technical and Administration Escalation Plan
When features, screen displays, equipment, or operations differ between system
types, for example, Generic 3 V4, Release 5si, or Release 5si + memory, these
differences are clearly identified by use of the following indicators: “[G3V4]”,
“[R5si]”, or “[R5 si + memory].”
Conventions Used in This Document
The following conventions are used in this document:
■ DEFINITY Systems are called G3V4, Release 5; Release 5vs, Release 5si,
and Release 5si + memory.
■ All occurrences of G3siV4, G3siV4+m, Release 5si, and Release 5 si +
memory are called Release 5si unless a specific configuration is required
to differentiate among product offerings.
■ All occurrences of R5 without a suffix following the “5” refer to Release 5si,
and Release 5si + memory.
■ A component of a DEFINITY System, such as a circuit pack, occurring
without a reference to any specific system, is part of G3V4 or Release 5.
■ The term “ASAI” is synonymous with the newer CallVisor ASAI.
■ All physical dimensions in this book are in English (Foot Pound Second)
(FPS) followed by the metric Centimeter Grams Second (CGS) in
parenthesis. Wire gauge measurements are in AWG followed by the
diameter in millimeters in parenthesis.
■ Admonishments used in this book are as follows: