DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Routine Maintenance Procedures
Page 5-59System Features
An ISDN-PRI test call can be originated via either the
or the
method. Each method is described below.
Synchronous Method
One command is used in this method to start, stop and query an ISDN-PRI test
call. In the synchronous method, an outgoing ISDN-PRI test call may be part of a
system technician-demanded long test sequence to test a circuit pack, port, or
trunk. Therefore, the command line entry can be any of the following:
test trunk <grp>/<mbr> long [repeat #]
test port PCSSpp long [repeat #]
test board PCSS long [repeat #]
The "long" qualifier must be entered in the above commands in order for the ISDN
test call to run. The repeat number (#) can be any number from 1 through 99
(default = 1).
The following information is displayed in response to the above commands:
■ Port: The port address (PCSSpp) is the port network number, carrier
designation, slot, and circuit of the maintenance object under test.
■ Maintenance Name: The type of maintenance object tested.
■ Test Number: The actual test that was run.
■ Test Results: Indicates whether the test passes, fails, or aborts.
■ Error Code: Additional information about the results of the test. (See the
ISDN Trunk Maintenance documentation for details.)
Asynchronous Method
The asynchronous method requires a Maintenance/Test circuit pack to be
physically present in the system.
In this method, four commands are used to start, stop, query, and list an
outgoing ISDN-PRI test call. These commands are as follows:
clear isdn-testcall <grp>/<mbr> (stop)
list isdn-testcall (list)
status isdn-testcall <grp>/<mbr> (query)
test isdn-testcall <grp>/<mbr> [minutes] (start)
Before placing an outgoing ISDN-PRI test call, verify that the FAC on the
System Features Form has been administered as well as the Far End Test
Line No and TestCall Bearer Capability Class (BCC) on the Trunk Group
Administration Form. Furthermore, if the ISDN-PRI trunk is of the "cbc" (call