DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1337SYS-PRNT (System Printer)
SYS-PRNT (System Printer)
The Report Scheduler feature provides the capability to schedule selected
administration commands to be printed by an asynchronous System Printer
(SYS-PRNT) or sent to a Personal Computer (PC). The System Printer Link to this
external device can be administered either as a data extension or to the EIA port
on the switch Processor (PROCR) circuit pack which provides a standard EIA
232C interface.
System Printer Link Maintenance provides a strategy for maintaining the link
between the system and an external SYS-PRNT output device. The strategy
includes a set of tests for detection of errors during normal operation,
troubleshooting actions, and alarms for serious problems. System Printer Link
Maintenance uses a try-and-wait mechanism for maintaining the SYS-PRNT link.
If the link set-up fails, a minor alarm is raised for service attention. A warning
alarm is raised when the SPE has been busied out. A maximum of two link retry
attempts is made. After the second attempt, set-up attempts are only made by
the application software (that is, the 15-minute timer fires and jobs are printed
unless an immediate job was entered.) After two unsuccessful attempts to
establish the link, a MINOR alarm is raised for service attention. If the System
Printer Link is torn down due to an error, System Printer Link Maintenance raises
a MINOR alarm but does not attempt to bring up the System Printer Link.
In DEFINITY Generic 1, the following physical configurations are supported for
the System Printer Link:
a. from the EIA port on the Processor circuit pack to a SYS-PRNT output
device via the standard EIA 232C interface
b. from a data channel (DATA-CHL) on the Network Control circuit pack
(DATA-BD) to a data extension where the SYS-PRNT output device
connects via the standard EIA 232C interface
The data extension can be a(n) PDM, MPDM, DTDM, or ADU. The PDM, MPDM,
or DTDM connects to a Digital Line (DIG-LINE) on the TN754 or TN754B Digital
Line circuit pack (DIG-BD); the ADU connects to a Data Line (DAT-LINE) of the
TN726 Data Line circuit pack (DT-LN-BD).
System Printer Link Maintenance does not cover the elements comprising the
SYS-PRNT physical link; that is, the external SYS-PRNT output device, the EIA
port on the Processor circuit pack, the Data Module (PDM/MPDM/DTDM) and the
Digital Line of TN754 or TN754B Digital Line circuit pack, the ADU and the Data
Line of TN726 Data Line circuit pack, and the data channels on the TN777
MO Name (in
Alarm Log) Alarm Level
Initial Command
to Run Full Name of MO
SYS-PRNT MINOR test sp-link l System Printer
SYS-PRNT WARNING release sp-link System Printer