DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Routine Maintenance Procedures
Page 5-15System Backup
The system blocks the execution of any commands that change the translation,
access a translation card, or trigger a maintenance action.
It is recommended that "save translation" be performed after business
hours so that dial tone delays are not encountered.
Do not issue the "save translation" command when alarm conditions are
Save Recorded Announcements
In a high or critical reliability system, if the save announcements command is
entered without a qualifier, an attempt is made to save the integrated
announcements on
the Active and Standby SPE. If the command is qualified
with either "spe-active" or "spe-standby," the integrated announcements are
saved only on the specified SPE. For example, if, when the save
announcements command was issued, the integrated announcements were
successfully saved on the Active SPE’s translation card, but were not
successfully saved on the Standby SPE’s translation card, then you would issue
the save announcements spe-standby command to save the announcements
on the Standby SPE as well.
The "save announcements" commands should only be used after business
hours or when the system is operating during a low usage period. The
system takes about 45 minutes to one hour to transfer the recorded
announcements from the Announcement circuit pack to the system tape.
During this interval, use of the administration terminal is blocked for other
activities until the command completes.
Translation Card Backup
In case of a power failure, the system translations can be restored using the
translation card. Translation data can be saved during the daily scheduled
maintenance. However, if the translation data changes frequently, translations
should be saved frequently to ensure that the most up-to-date information is kept.
Note that only one translation card is provided with the system. It is
recommended that the customer purchase additional translation cards to serve
as backup or replacement. Translation cards should be alternated periodically.
It is also recommended that backup copies of the translation data be made
weekly, or after many changes have been made to the translation data. This