
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1151PR-MAINT (Maintenance Processor [TN790 RISC Systems])
MTP External Modem Present Test (#230)
This test is a nondestructive test on the remote access line, and will run only if the
channel is idle. The test validates the presence of an external modem with a
firmware invoked AT command. The test will pass if the modem responds with
“OK” to the AT command.
Table 10-343. TEST #230 External Modem Present Test
Error Code
Result Description/ Recommendation
100 ABORT The test did not complete within the allowable time period.
1. Retry the command.
1018 ABORT The test has been disabled via administration.
1. To enable the test, issue the change system-parameters
maintenance command, and set the Test Remote Access Port field
to ‘‘y.’’
2. Rerun the test.
1030 ABORT This test is not run on the Standby SPE.
1131 ABORT INADS port is busy because the system is reporting alarms to INADS, or
because INADS is dialed into the system.
1. If INADS is communicating with the switch the INADS trunk is
working. There is no need to run this test.
2. Or if required. Wait about ten minutes (until the INADS session is
terminated) and then re-enter the command.
1000 ABORT System software resources required for this test are not available.
2033 Internal system error
1. Retry at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
1049 ABORT External Modem is not administered.
1050 ABORT System could not determine if the testing of the INADS port is
1. Enter the change system-parameters maintenance command, and
verify the entry for the Test Remote Access Port field.
2. Retry at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
2000 ABORT MTP did not respond to the test request.
1. Repeat test at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
2. If all MTP tests are aborting, execute the test processor a/b long
command in order to reset MTP, and examine the results of the MTP
Reset Test (#101).
Continued on next page